Natural Lupas Treatment


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Why Can’t Doctors Cure Your Lupus?

I think I know…

Lupus is one of the most debilitating and discouraging conditions anyone can have. Waking up day after day with joint sores, knowing you are stricken with Lupus that may gradually drag you, a healthy young person, towards chronic illness like rheumatoid arthritis. Suddenly you no longer expect to enjoy many of life’s greatest experiences.

   You probably don’t remember that day, the day you had your first joint pain and chose to ignore it thinking it would just go away. But later on, more joints started to feel sore and swelling and a rash began to appear. You felt fatigued and knew things were starting to get out of control. Then the day came when you heard your doctor speak the word “Lupus.”

    You may have felt sadness, desperation, even panic… knowing full well your life would never be the same again. That time can be almost as difficult for your family and close friends as it is for you. I know, you suffer month after month and find you are losing hope of ever getting better.

    That’s a very sad place for anyone to be. I know. I’ve been seeing patients for over 40 years.

    My name is Dr. Gary M. Levin and I’m a retired M.D. and Surgeon in the U.S. For more than forty years, I took great pride in running my own clinic, as well as teaching and supervising resident doctors at a facility at  Loma Linda Univ School of Medicine. I completely understand  how incredibly scary, painful and discouraging Lupus symptoms are for millions of people just like you.

 I have felt the pain of so many patients and their families. You take medications that may reduce asymptomatic acute attacks but they just don’t work when it comes to fully treating your Lupus condition.

    It’s like your body is fighting an all-out war with a dangerous intruder that doesn’t exist. Your doctor may be putting on a brave face, but the truth is many physicians are just as frustrated as you are. They try every known cure, treatment and medically accepted idea — yet NOTHING really works because the real symptoms of Lupus are not treated!

How Dr. Gary M. Levin, M.D. Discovered a Natural EFFECTIVE Treatment for Lupus

    In 1998, I had a heart ailment which required surgical intervention. While recovering in cardiac rehabilitation, I had the unexpected opportunity to work with a colleague who practiced allopathic and alternative medicine. I was very impressed with what I saw.
    Having been trained in the sciences, I decided to dive deep into this approach, serve a two-year preceptorship and actually test natural remedies and alternative treatments for diseases.

    It was here that I discovered powerful breakthroughs that would have profound impacts for Lupus patients. Here was the highly effective KEY to slowing deterioration, preventing attacks, and promoting regeneration.


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